Home to Stay (2007)
Home to Stay - an acoustic
album of 12 songs, with hooks,
harmonicas, harmonies, hush and
heaviness aplenty, delivered with
James' characteristic passion and
aplomb. More unusual tracks include
the lyrically and musically
palindromic Bounty of Id,
(also a mini-saga - exactly 50 words)
of just under 2 minutes and the epic
12-minute Long Way Out. Click
the album cover pic, right, for a
close-up. Click
here for reviews
"Powerful performances, distinctive
songwriting, a prog-rock sensibility
pared down to the acoustic... and
the perfect production. Brilliant!"
"Definitely in the same musical
super-league as the great Nick
Harper (and not many in that
The first 100 CD copies of Coming
Home to Stay, with 8-page lyric
were individually numbered, signed and
dated as at the day of being hand-made
by James himself. The CD now ships in
a smart natural card sleeve, and is
available for £5 at James' gigs.

Way Down South
"Fast-paced bluesy folk-rock song from
the heart - a gutsy, gruff and
plaintive vocal, with a pleasant
vulnerability if you listen for it,
alongside urgent acoustic and blues
electric riffs. We're reminded of
early Fleetwood Mac, Cat Stevens,
Richard Thompson, Doobies and Al
Stewart, just to give you an idea...
but James Hollingsworth has a
blissfully original sound."
- Lemonrock, who
chose Way Down South to be
their Song of the Week,
19 November 2007.
Coming Home to Stay
‘Coming Home to Stay’ is a collection
of songs written over a sixteen-year
period, during which the world has
undeniably seen some phenomenal
changes. Therefore, something that
immediately caught my attention was
the fact that the tracklisting was in
no kind of chronological order
whatsoever. Would this mean that the
CD lacked cohesion? Would this even
matter? I began to think not as soon
as Hollingsworth’s impassioned vocals
reached over and pulled my tired
eyelids open. Opening track Sooner or
Later’s assertion that “Looking around
the world it’s hard to see how things
will ever get better” is hard to
disagree with when given the thought
that this music inspires. It’s rare
nowadays for it to be irrefutably true
that a vocalist genuinely means every
word he sings. This much doesn’t so
much confirm itself to be true as leap
out from behind a nearby rock and slap
you about the face with a frozen
kipper. Hollingsworth’s guitar playing
is also gloriously uncalculated and
astonishingly heartfelt, sometimes
giving little concern to structure. If
it wasn’t for the excellent production
I’d believe that these tracks were
recorded on a portable tape in a
mountain forest in a single afternoon.
A partial first viewing of The Doors
film last night made me appreciate
music in its purest form again
overnight after recent forays deep
into digital territory. This CD
brought to mind The Doors, Bob Dylan,
Leonard Cohen, Nick Drake and just
about every revered artist from that
era who stood out through stamping
their personality on every song in a
way that is impossible by any means
except as a natural default. James
Hollingsworth’s songs couldn’t be
described as the sound of the future,
they could have been written any time
in the last thirty-plus years or any
moment in the rest of time and will
still stand alone on their own merits.
Singer-songwriters are largely
ridiculed nowadays, or are lumped
together in one monochrome net by
scornful scenesters but great art, to
my mind, can largely be defined as
personal expression that comes
straight from the soul of its creator.
This is exactly what is on offer here.
Highlights include ‘Beyond Revelation’
with guitar playing so starkly emotive
it feels like it would fall apart if
you reached out and prodded it,
overlayered with singing that cracks
and flutters alternately to almost
dizzying effect. ‘Way Down South’ is a
flamenco-tinged canter that wouldn’t
sound out of place on a psychedelic
arthouse film set in the Nevada
desert. A piano appears on ‘Saturday
Road Ahead’ and I imagined myself
standing at the top of a cliff in a
tiny village in Iceland in November
with aurora borealis bringing the sky
to life.
The epic ‘Long Way Out’ is really
quite a voyage – the intro showcases
Hollingsworth’s impressive dexterity
and is lent a spooky edge by the faint
sound of conversation simmering
underneath, then the song itself sets
off on a dusty country road, with the
singer at one point sounding like a
blue whale giving its mournful cry
across the ocean. It’s one of those
rare pieces of music that if it went
on forever may just draw the listener
into its own Bermuda triangle – see
also ‘The End’ by the Doors and
‘Galaxy of Emptiness’ by Beth Orton to
name just two.
I was left wondering if these were
simply highlights hand-picked from a
library of yet to be discovered
treasures. If so then I suggest we all
take a week off work, head out to the
Cornish countryside and hole up in a
house several centuries old for James
Hollingsworth appreciation week. Who’s
with me? Well, it was a nice idea
while it lasted. Regardless, this
artist deserves bucketloads of your
respect. He may not be a trendsetter
but there are very few like him.
- Dave Urwin, Live
Music Scene online magazine
Coming Home to Stay
James Hollingsworth is one of my top
ten favorite male singer/songwriters
of all time!
His songs are haunting tone-poems that
get under your skin and make you want
to go back again and again. Soaring
vocals, goose-bumps, a gorgeous,
authoritative, clear voice
that stands strong on top of minimal
accompanying instrumentation, a master
of inflection, a major
vocal+songwriting talent combination.
Instruments are one or two acoustic
guitars, harmonica, an occasional
soulful electric guitar lead without
distortion, and piano on one song.
I hear subtle influences in his vocal
style coming from Peter Gabriel, Phil
Collins, Steve Winwood, Ray
LaMontagne, Cat Stevens, and every
now and then, just a touch of
Richie Havens and even Joe Cocker (but
not in Cocker's "extreme" mode, if you
know what I mean!) James' note:
"Yes, definitely! Except the ones
with letter 'M's and 'W's in their
These are deep, powerful
songs, not your ordinary mainstream
fluff. You will think about
them. There is a psycho-spiritual
understanding embedded in them that
cannot be pigeonholed as this-or-that
philosophy. You will find many gems of
insight in them.
I would like to comment on three of
the songs on this CD.
Still Lights Up the Rain-- This
song appears to have strong
influential ties, for those who go
back far enough, to Jefferson
Starship's first album, Blows Against the
Empire (1970); in
particular, to a song on that album
called Have You Seen the Stars
Tonight? The modal acoustic
tonalities in both songs transport me
back to a very nostalgic,
60's-idealistic time in my life. In
this song (and others) his acoustic
work has the feel of Bruce Cockburn
and the Jorma Kaukonen / Paul Kantner
combination in acoustic Jefferson
Starship and earlier acoustic
Jefferson Airplane songs. [Lyric
excerpt: Watching for the Stars
in the City skies / Amber reflections
banish them from our eyes / As we sit
here smiling in the Garden of Eden /
Overgrown by the years of neglect / By
unnamed others, a legacy of the past
imperfect...] - James' note:
"Hmmm... actually I've never heard
that album. Saw Jefferson Starship
at Reading 1988, but can't remember
any of their songs. Sounds like I
should check out the Airplane
instalment of that collective! Oh,
sorry, I'm turning this into an
Coming Home to Stay (title
song)-- almost makes me cry (in a good
way, of course.) A feeling from my
past, a letting-go, an accepting that
felt so relieving and so right, a
closure of a chapter in my life.
Strong, strident acoustic guitar
chords-- he gets more dynamics out of
his acoustic guitar than many are
capable of on electric. [Lyric
excerpt: People laughing with
their friends / They laugh the world
away / People clinging to their dreams
/ They let them slip away / Oh I
couldn't hold on til the end / I let
it pass me by / All meaning scattered
to the winds / And never free to
cry... Oh, God! He knows the reason /
Coming home to stay...]
Saturday Road Ahead-- this song
is so powerful! Same effect on
me emotionally. I put my box on
"repeat" the first time I heard it,
sang to it six times in a row. [Lyric
excerpt: I see the sky open up
before me / I see my road is soon to
bend / I couldn't face, no I couldn't
face that again / But I see the time
is coming for a change... I thought I
saw myself, I turned as if to say /
you'd better pick up the pieces /
before they blow away...]
Mr. Hollingsworth also has a CD titled
Long Way
- Van Casey - MUSIC
Coming Home to Stay
talented. That's an obvious statement
and one that few would argue over.
It's the degrees of the talent that
might cause a few to squabble. Is he a
better singer, than guitarist? Is he a
better poet than musician? Who's his
contemporary in the American scene??
(You know how we love comparisons.) In
the end, we all know it doesn't
matter, but we enjoy trying to dissect
another's giftedness as if to
'discover' for ourselves a shortcut to
their greatness. But even if we're
successful at pinpointing what it is
that we think makes them special,
without their particular DNA, we can
only hope for, at best, a substandard
duplication, but hardly a flattering
imitation, of their uniqueness.
James Hollingsworth is UNIQUE and dare
I go out on a limb, I don't think he
has an equal, especially when you
consider the sub total of what he
does.., and how he does it. Yes,
there's the obvious John Martyn
reference that will undoubtedly arise
when you listen to him in passing, but
with the exception of them being
fellow countrymen, the comparison is
unfair, being more than a few
generations apart, there's something
decidedly more spiritual and mystical
in James' writings. COMING HOME TO
STAY is a journeyman's CD in that the
songs represent many different stages
of growth and musicianship as they
span from 2001 to the present day.
But the journey isn't necessarily his
to travel along, but you're invited in
a most intimate way to participate,
from the opening lines of the first
tune, Sooner or Later (2003) where he
offers you the opportunity of common
When you look around the World
It's hard to imagine how things are
gonna get better
Without feeling like an idealistic
I don't wish to divulge my point of
view on the remaining 11 tunes as what
I truly feel and learned about myself
as I listened is quite personal and I
suspect you'll feel the same, if you
give the full CD a full and complete
listen. I can only implore you to take
the journey with James through his
poignant songbook in this latest
release and then let him know
personally how he's touched your soul,
as he undoubtedly will. Musically,
lyrically and vocally, it's stunning
and thought-provoking and just sits
well in your spirit as you listen...
of Albuquerque
Coming Home to Stay
James has really established himself
now as a prolific song writing
machine. He continues to come up with
clever lyrics and haunting melodies.
From the recording process through the
production to the art work, is no less
than pro quality.
This CD contains twelve tracks
featuring James's superb vocal
performance and excellent guitar
playing. It's hard to choose a
favourite or least favourite track
because they are all good.
At the end of the day of course it
comes down to personal choice. The
tracks I liked best were 'WAY DOWN
I have no reason for that choice other
than they were the most pleasing to my
musical ear. My least favourite
selection is 'THE BOUNTY OF ID' which
to me had questionable harmonies (read
James' comment on this below)
and 'BEYOND REVELATION' which I found
a bit dreary, but again that does not
mean they are better or worse than any
other track on the CD.
Whilst listening to the album for the
second time, I started to change the
arrangement of a couple of tracks in
my head and it got me wondering what
another artist or band would make of
them. As much as I love James's voice
and 'WAY DOWN SOUTH' are crying out
for a bigger production. Maybe the
JEBO full band treatment.
There are lots of influences filtering
through this collection from the likes
of 'Donovan' 'Cat Stevens' or whatever
his name is now, 'Ralph McTell',
'Leonard Cohen' etc. (I use the older
names because I am old), but that can
only be a good thing and I think you
will love this CD from what must be
one of the best song writers in the
We should be able to add him to our
Famous Bristol Musicians Section soon!
- >Bristol Rocks.
comment on the 'questionable
harmonies' in his song The
Bounty of Id - "this part
of the song is supposed to sound
strange. It's during the middle,
the turning point section of this
palindromic piece. The discordant
voices were actually specifically
chosen to match the diminished
chords that back them. They may
not be to everyone's taste, but
they're over within a few
seconds... peace."
Coming Home to Stay
James Hollingsworth is a man
steeped in the troubadour
tradition. It feels like just the
man, his guitar and the open road.
Ok a little bit of gob iron
(harmonica) as well. The timer on
my music player tells me this is
exactly one hour long. What it
doesn't tell me is the words and
phrases that James squeezes into
that hour. 12 minute plus epics
feel as at home as two minute
blitzes. It's an album that feels
as much a gallery as it does a
songboard. Hollingsworth paints
canvas with his songs, there is
something almost visual about
them. It's easy to slip into
character for the songs.
- FATEA Records
Coming Home to Stay
One thing you have to say about
James Hollingsworth; he's nothing
if not sincere. His opening song,
"Sooner or Later," says that when
we look around, we see
everything's going to hell and ...
it's hard to imagine how things
will get better
without feeling like an
idealistic fool
who's gone and traded dreams
for what's before his eyes
who sooner or later, has to get
So maybe it's hard to feel
optimistic, but that's only
because we aren't wise and,
according to Hollingsworth, we're
on the road to wisdom. Other songs
proceed down this same path.
"Still Lights Up the Rain" has the
speaker declare that he and his
love are sitting in the Garden of
Eden, which is, by the way,
"overgrown by years of neglect"
but ...
as I raise my eyes to Heaven
to take in the air and breathe
in the sight
forgiveness shows the brightness
in a very different light
'Cause it still lights up the
Hollingsworth loves the big
statement. In "You're Not the Only
One," he remembers the "opening
words of love" that came when God
looked down from above, but left
the speaker on his own, only to be
blessed and told by God that he is
not the only one. Hollingsworth
also loves ballads; most of his
songs are slowly paced and very,
very earnest.
I'm emphasizing the lyrics
because, frankly, that's about the
best thing James Hollingsworth has
to offer. If you respond to the
single-minded sincerity and
earnestness of his music, you'll
probably like this CD. Me? Well, I
found myself longing for
Hollingsworth to relax, maybe
laugh a little.
- Michael Scott
Cain (RIP) at Rambles.net
"looking at his other reviews,
I think I got off quite lightly
there!" ;-)
Coming Home to Stay
is great!" - Moon Suk
(Multi-Media artist, Soprano,

cover art from the original 2007
Or Buy CD
direct from James
using secure online
billing with Paypal
for £7 (+ postage).
on Spotify:

CD's now shipped with
ink-stamped sleeves (also
available at James' gigs for